(Mrd74 Esty)
So this girl I know in my 1st hour had THE CUTEST bracelet on, of course it was a key. It was an old key, just barely bent and held in a "circle" with a leather? string on each end of the key. But she said it was a gift, which I guess meant she didn't know where it came from? I tired to find it online, but unfortunately did not. Then the other girl at our table mentioned that she has seen a lot of key hair clips around, couldn't find those online either sadly... oh well I guess. THEN another girl came in who works at the Buffalo Exchange and she was wearing a bird skull necklace which I have wanted for a year! The girl actually bought hers from Buffalo, so she is going to pick one up for me! I'm so excited!
I am in a great mood!
I have all of my homework done
I have a math test tomorrow which I feel okay about. I also have an english mid term, essay, about integrity, I have to get it done in an hour. If I do get it done in an hour I will only have two classes next monday! After school I am going to Scottsdale Mall to check out the new Barney's New York, just browse of course, then maybe spend my gift cards? PF Changs for dinner!!!
Good Job to my boyfriend, he is moving forward with everything, I love you so much
If anyone is interested in metal let me know, him and his band are recording tomorrow!
The necklace I am getting is a silver one, not bronze.
interesting necklace, very earthy, you are awesome carrying such a load on your shoulders. be you let's shop!!!!!!!!